Download Technitium MAC Address Changer 6.0.7 for Windows. Draw io for mac download. Fast downloads of the latest free software! To change the MAC address, first click the Advanced tab, and under Settings click Locally Administered Address. This allows you to specify a new MAC address as shown in Figure 4. Setting the new MAC address. In this example, I’m setting the MAC address for this NIC to DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE.
Technitium MAC Address Changer is a powerful MAC address manager of the network adapter. You can use Technitium MAC Address Changer to easily change MAC address of all the network connections with preset Mac address or random MAC address.
You can also delete damaged Network Adapter entry from Registry. Run TMAC.exe to launch Technitium MAC Address Changer Portable. The current version is Technitium MAC Address Changer 6.0.3.
Features of Technitium MAC Address Changer:
* Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6) support added.
* Works on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (Developer Preview) for both 32-bit and 64-bit.
* Automatic Update feature added to update software to latest available version.
* Update network card vendors list feature allows you to download latest vendor data (OUI) from
* Enhanced network configuration presets with IPv6 support allow you to quickly switch between network configurations.
* Command line options with entire software functionality available. You can select a preset from specified preset file to apply directly.
About Technitium MAC Address Changer Portable
MD5 Hash: F8E6601C37974223A9AD91FD8606190F
TechnitiumMACAddressChanger_6.0.3_English.paf.exe | 1.19 MB | Technitium MAC Address Changer Portable 6.0.3 Download Page
Latest Version:
TMAC Technitium MAC Address Changer 6.0.7 LATEST
Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Author / Product:
Technitium / TMAC Technitium MAC Address Changer Download powerpoint themes for mac free.
Old Versions:
MD5 Checksum:
TMAC Technitium MAC Address Changer 2020 full offline installer setup for PC 32bit/64bit

Features and Highlights
- Works on Windows 10, 8 & 7 for both 32-bit and 64-bit.
- Enhanced network configuration presets with IPv6 support allow you to quickly switch between network configurations.
- Allows complete configuration of any network adapter.
- Command-line options with entire software functionality available. You can select a preset from a specified preset file to apply directly.
- Update network card vendors list feature allows you to download the latest vendor data (OUI) from
This software just writes a value into the windows registry. When the Network Adapter Device is enabled, windows searches for the registry value 'NetworkAddress' in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1- 08002bE10318}[ID of NIC e.g. 0001]. If a value is present, windows will use it as MAC address, if not, windows will use the hardcoded manufacturer provided MAC address. Some Network Adapter drivers have this facility built-in. TMAC can be found in the Advance settings tab in the Network Adapter's Device properties in Windows Device Manager.
How To Change MAC Address for Windows PC
Windows Mac Address Changer
- Starting the MAC address changer will list all available network adapters.
- Select the adapter you want to change the MAC address. You will get the details of your selection below.
- In the Information tab, find the Change MAC Address frame. Enter a new MAC address in the field and click Change Now! button. You may even click the Random MAC Address button to fill up a randomly selected MAC address from the vendor list available.
- To restore the original MAC address of the network adapter, select the adapter, click Restore Original button in the Change MAC Address frame.
Mac Address Changer Download For Windows 10
: This tool cannot change the MAC address of Microsoft Network Bridge. Network Bridge will automatically use the original MAC address of the first NIC added into the bridge with the first octet of the MAC address set to 0x02.Mac Address Changer Windows 7